Agricultural Burn Permits
In 2003, the Franklin Conservation District became the entity within Franklin County that accepts agricultural burning applications and issues agricultural burning permits. The first step in obtaining an agricultural burn permit is determining whether or not you need one.
Do I Need an Agricultural Burn Permit?
Permit is NOT required for the following:
Orchard prunings
Organic debris, along fence lines or irrigation/drainage ditches;
Organic debris blown by wind
You do not have to burn the above items on an official burn day, however:
​​The burning cannot occur during an air pollution episode or any stage of impaired air quality declared under RCW 70.94.715. Please call 1-800-406-5322 for daily information.
The operator must notify the local fire department within the area where the burning is to be conducted.
Permit IS required for the following:
Whole field burns - Cereal and Non-Cereal (Wheat stubble, CRP, alfalfa seed, etc.)
Spot burning within fields (In specific areas for weed, disease, or pest control)
Orchard removal
Burning of baled residue (Broken, mildewed, diseased, or otherwise pest ridden bales)
When burning the above items you must have a permit, notify your local fire department, and call the burn hotline (1-800-406-5322) to make sure it is a burn day based on air quality criteria.
How Do I Submit an Application?
Applications are accepted by appointment only. Please contact Riley Zionce (509-416-0440, x104). After contacting our office, complete the following steps to submit your agricultural burn application:
Obtain and completely fill-out the appropriate agricultural burn application. You may download the application by clicking on the appropriate link below, or you may obtain an application by calling us at (509) 416-0440. Note: You do not need to attach a map to the burn application. The Franklin Conservation District will prepare a burn map for you.
If you haven't already, call the Franklin Conservation District at 509-416-0440 to set up an appointment. DO NOT mail your application to Ecology for processing you must visit the Franklin Conservation District office, in person, for your application to be processed.
Pay the appropriate fee associated with the various permits. The minimum fee for all applications is $37.50 except for orchard removal which is $80.00. For Field Burning the fee is $3.75 per acre. For Orchard Pile Burns the fee is $80 for the first 80 tons of material to be burned. Additional tonnage will be charged $1.00 per ton and the cost will be added to the minimum $80 fee.
Agricultural Field Burn Permit Application
Agricultural Spot Burn Application
Agricultural Orchard/Pile Burn Permit Application
Agricultural Bale Burn Application
Post Burn Reporting
For CRP Burns please contact Bruce Clatterbuck or Patty Welch at the Farm Service Agency (FSA) at 509-545-8546 ext. 2